New in 2025

The AK Relay Rebate Program

  • The sooner you register, the larger your eventual rebate. Nothing specal to do to qualify. Just PAY for your team.

  • When any team registers and PAYS (Important distinction), 10% of their registration fee will be divided evenly among every team that registers before them.  Thus, the earlier a team registers, the larger their total rebate.

    Exception: the First Week Variation

  • In order to give a little balance to the eager-to-registers (1st team paid at +5 minutes after registration opened, 2nd team at +25 minutes), every team that registered in the first week, simply receives $100 rebate for that period. They will then receive the split of every team that registers AFTER the one week mark.

  • We make no promises on how much you’ll earn back. This is NOT a Pyramid Scheme, more like a cashback credit card, but figure more in the tens to low hundreds, not a potentially free team.

  • 5 Teams (A-E) register in that first week.  So they each get $100 for that week. Then Team F registers for $1550. $155 is split 5 ways ($31 each) by A-E. Then Team G registers for $1550 and $155 is split 6 ways ($25.83 each) by A-F. Totals at that point look like so:

    Team A - $156.83
    Team B - $156.83
    Team C - $156.83
    Team D - $156.83
    Team E - $156.83
    Team F - $25.83
    Team G - awaiting a team to register after them.

  • Captains will have the opportunity to choose the following:

    • Prior to 5/18, the captain can use their rebate towards their volunteer fee. Otherwise, rebates will be issued the week of July 7th.

    • Captains will be able to choose to receive the rebate in cash (well, a check) or as credit for any future NxNW event or purchase. Credit does NOT expire.

    • Rebates will not be divided to team members by NxNW. Divvying it up falls to the captain, so they’re the one to hound (or leave it as a tip for their hard work organizing your group! Food for thought).

  • The 10% calculation will be done on the final amount that they pay after a discount is applied. Same with teams using past credit.

  • High School teams and sponsor comp’d teams are ineligible to receive rebate and will not be used to give rebate to other teams.

  • To try something different, to incentivize teams to get registered sooner rather than later (helpful for our planning purposes) as well as to incentivize spreading the word to more teams.

    I mean, it’s money. You want some money right?