Relay Rundown
All the things you need to know.
MatSu Relay is split into 12 legs and is most commonly completed by a team of 6. This allows each runner to run 2 times. The TRADITIONAL (but by no means mandatory) method of splitting up legs is for the team to run in a sequential rotation, where runner 1 does legs 1 & 7, runner 2 does 2 & 8, and so on.
Teams start from Independence Mine (near Hatcher Pass) in waves on Saturday morning and finish in Wasilla in the later afternoon. Typically they take 6-9 hours.
No worries!
NxNW prides itself on accommodating teams of ALL paces, from practically (or literally) walking to sub-6ers. Most teams participate for the camaraderie, spirit, and goofiness that develop in these events. You'll see themed team names, wacky costumes, even the occasional epic finish line battle. -
Highly Varied. We’ve had snow fall at the start line the day before the race, yet every year the sun comes out and the temperature rises into the 50s in the afternoon.
Yes, for several legs the course is on road shoulder with active traffic. Most of these roads have sizable shoulder for safe running. On legs 2 & 3, where the shoulder is much narrower, we have the fog line coned by traffic control and increased signage for traffic.
Due to planned road construction affecting part of our course, the finish line is moving to Everett’s on the shore of Wasilla Lake. We’ll have more details soon, but count on a beautiful lakeside finish and cold beer to enjoy!
I’m convinced!
What do I need to know before registering?
MatSu has the following team types:
Standard (5-6 runners)
Ultra (3-4 runners)
For each team type, there are 3 divisions with 3 gender splits each (Men’s, Women’s, and Mixed), for a total of 36 possible divisions. A team’s division is automatically set based on the final roster at check-in.
- Open (any age)
- Masters (all runners over age 40)
- Super Masters (all runners over age 50) -
Click HERE to view MatSu Relay’s price schedule and Cancellation Policy.
Simply put, without volunteers, MatSu Relay would be impossible to put on. Each team either supplies a volunteer or pays the volunteer fee, used to hire local groups to work the race.
See all the volunteer info HERE.