We are on a new registration platform with some unique steps. Watch the linked videos below for a walk-through.

2025 Price Schedule

Early Registration
01/16 - 02/28
Normal Registration
03/01 - 05/18
Late Registration
05/19 - 06/13
Cancellation Coverage Adder**
Full Team
(10-12 runners)
$1550 $1700 $1850 + $200
(7-9 runners)
$1162.50 $1275 $1387.50 + $150
(6 or less runners)
$775 $850 $925 + $100
(6 runners, to be paired with another 6-Pack)
$775 $850 $925 + $100
High School (team of 12) $720 $720 $900 included

Cancellation Policy

 Following is our Refund/Deferral policy, applicable for race cancellation due to any reason.

Standard Teams

50% Credit for future use.

Cancel Covered Teams

The team captain will be given the choice of either A) 75% cash refund or B) 100% credit for future use.

** Teams wishing to add Cancel Covereage, should contact race director directly.


- Credit/refund percentage is calculated on the amount paid (after any discounts), not list price.

- Credit can be used for any NxNW event or purchase and does not expire.

- All refunds and credits will be in the name of the team captain (NOT THE TEAM), but credit can be designated to a new team captain.

- If a team no-shows an event that happens as scheduled, they can receive applicable credit, but not a refund.